CNC Milling refers to the machining process utilising computerised controls to moniter the movement and the operation of the Multi Point Rotary Cutting Tools.The rotary motion of the cutting tools slowly removes the excess material from the work-piece as they move across it ,thus achieving the designed shape and size in the process.CNC Milling is a particular method of Computer Nemerically Controlled- CNC - machining. Like Drilling and Cutting , Milling is a similar machining process , carrying out many of their operations.Milling uses a rotating cylindrical cutting tool as is done in drilling.
How does CNC Milling Work?
For a particular plastic or metallic material we have multiple sets of tools mounted on efficient cutters.The machine, in a subtrac - tive manufacturing process, using 3 or 5 axis milling, then rapidly mills parts of the block.Machined plastic parts when left as-milled display visible tool marks whereas some metal parts allow of better finishing. On completion of the milling operation and obtaining the required surface finish as per your preference,the finished products are packed in boxes for early shipment.