Turning is a machining process where a machine -typically a Lathe- uses a cutting tool to remove material from a rotating workpiece.In the Turning Process , the workpiece moves while the cutting tool remains stationery. Milling, on the other hand,is a machining process in which a machine -typically a Milling Machine -removes material from a stationery workpiece with a cutting tool which will be rotating.However, the machining process works on the same principle as that of Turning- a cutting tool presses against a workpiece , removing material from it in the process.
The main difference between these two machining processes lies in their use of the rotary movement. While in the Turning operations ,the workpiece rotates ,in the Milling operations it is the cutting tool that rotates.Both Turning snd Milling are two common machining processes ,removing material from a workpiece with the aid of a cutting tool.Although both carry out the same task ,they adopt different methods to achieve their goal.While Turning forces the workpiece to rotate ,Milling forces the cutting tool to rotate; with different mechanisms, however,their advantages in the manufacturing industry are both unique.